Activities at the RAFABRANCH381
We have a thriving number of activities at the club so give us a call on 01243 865615 or contact us online today to see how we can help you.
Non members are welcome to attend our Activities - cost £3.00 donation for each session attended.
Please see our facebook page for the up to date schedule.

Lawn Bowls - Come try out every Tuesday Morning for more information
Click Here

Rafa381 Choir - We meet every Tuesday Evening for more information
Click Here

Darts - Ladies Darts meet every Wednesday for more information
Click Here

Whist - We play Bonus Whist twice a month for more information
Click Here

Mahjong - Come try out this fascinating game every Monday Afternoon 2 - 4pm for more information
Click Here

Line Dancing every Thursday Evening 8-10pm for more information
Click Here

Craft Group - Meet every Friday 2 - 4pm to contribute to the branch project or to chat with other crafters for more information
Click Here

Reading Group - Share your favouries or "read your own" We meet on a Wednesday once a month 11.45 start for more information
Click Here

Poetry Group - Meet on a Wednesday once a month 11.45am start for more information
Click Here

Carpet Bowls - Winter Season October through April every Tuesday 9.30 - 11.30am for more information
Click Here

Crochet - Meet every Tuesday Afternoon 2 - 4pm for more information
Click Here

Board Games - We have a Games Afternoon twice a month every 1st and 3rd Thursday 2 - 4pm for more information
Click Here

Snooker - Come try it out whenever the club is open
Click Here

Toad in the Hole - is a pub game, involving throwing brass coins at a lead topped table with a hole in the middle.
For more information
Click Here

Quiz Nights twice a month for more information
Click Here

Skittles - We organise games on a frequent basis for more information
Click Here
For the latest Entertainment information see our Facebook page